Spring Poison Prevention

Spring is in the air! Here are some tips for preventing common springtime poisons.


Azaleas: Keep away from dogs and cats as just a few leaves can be toxic to the heart.

Lilies: Keep away from cats!  All parts of the lily are toxic to cats.  Even a little bit of pollen can cause kidney failure.


Some fertilizers contain organophosphates.  These can cause excessive drooling and tearing, urination, and sometimes seizures.

Iron can be used as a fertilizer; in excessive amounts, this can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.  It can also affect the liver and the heart.


Easter candy is great, but not for your dogs.  Keep the chocolate out of reach!

Cleaning products:

Toilet bowl cleaners, bleach, oven cleaners and grill cleaners are all potentially corrosive and can cause harm if ingested.